All different – all European
The project may provide a platform for this huge segment of shared European history and the European present. Besides the level of notorious European biographies of famous personalities among scientists and artists, which should be the main part of the project, there is a possibility to transfer the theme to the level of present-day citizens.
The mobility of population in Europe and to Europe has born a new breed of population that comfortably lives with one or several cultural identities coexisting in one person. A person born in one European country and absorbing its culture from early childhood can also feel exceptionally comfortable with the cultures of his parents who happen to come from different countries and varied cultural backgrounds. Such persons could be a significant participative and communicational quality of the site and the project as a whole.
Most heritage is shared and exposed incessantly to dynamics of multiple exchanges and influences. This interplay supports the fact that most of the heritages are shared though, at the same time, being rightfully claimed by some cultures as their own. European culture is a mosaic always belonging to some more than to others and yet recognized as mutual and shared. So the parallel process of sharing the other’s values and offering own ends paradoxically and yet so rightfully in creating a powerful cultural field which we recognize in its cumulative potential as European.
With all positive consequences of cultural self-appreciation, nationalism is a way of closing towards the others and a form of possessiveness that is largely misplaced. The great chance of this project lies upon the cultural dimension of European unification. In spite of the crisis of the European project, there is an immense energy ready to be mobilized. There is at least some fifty to hundred thousand of European citizens who are active members of different societies of friends forged between European nations. They are politically, economically and culturally a very serious force. This site can be a sort of hub to their cumulative ambition and present a simple set of arguments for European-ness as their common denominator.